The Environmental Geochemistry and Atmospheric Research (EGAR) group investigates the chemical and physical processes responsible for the emission, transport, fate and removal of atmospheric pollutants that impact on human health and ecosystems. A major objective is to investigate measures (technological and non-technological) to improve air quality and reduce human exposure to air pollution. Main research lines include, air quality research, source apportionment assessment, atmospheric processes affecting air quality, aerosols and climate change (interpreting optical aerosol radiative effects), human exposure to air pollutants, including commuting, schools, occupational and other indoor and outdoor environments, industrial emissions and industrial wastes (environmental impact and utilisation).
EGAR research on Air Quality aims at understanding the chemical and physical processes responsible for the emission, transport, fate and removal of atmospheric pollutants with impact on human health and vegetation. The main objective is to investigate measures (technological and non-technological) to reduce emissions, concentrations or human exposure.
Atmospheric aerosols affect the radiative balance of the Earth-atmosphere system and the Earth’s climate directly through scattering and absorption of solar radiation. Indirectly, by acting as cloud condensation nuclei, atmospheric aerosols can modify cloud properties and precipitation. Our aim is interpreting optical aerosol radiative effects as a function of their chemical and physical patterns and source contributions.
Major knowledge gaps remain regarding exposure to fine and ultrafine particles in indoor, commuting and outdoor environments. Our aim is investigating the pathways of human exposure to air pollutants in both types of environments, and to understanding and quantifying the contribution of different sources to outdoor, commuting and indoor exposure.
Industrial emissions from large industrial facilities (coal-fired power plants, ceramic and cement industry, refineries) are important sources of air pollutants (SOx, NOx, and particulate matter (PM)) producing also significant emissions to water and soil. We develop research on characterising emissions of trace pollutants with a major environmental impact and devising and testing the efficiency of emission abatement controls.
Since the earlier 1980s we develop research on environmental valorisation of industrial wastes with special emphasis on coal combustion/gasification residues. These wastes may be hazardous and we devise and test the efficiency of valorisation processes as well as pollutants immobilisation strategies in case of waste disposal.
FOCI Project on „Non-CO2 Forcers and Their Climate, Weather, Air Quality and Health Impacts“.
The main goal of the new EC Horizon Europe project FOCI is to assess the impact of key radiative forcers other than CO2, where and how they arise, the processes of their impact on the climate system, to find and test an efficient implementation of these processes into global Earth System Models and into Regional Climate Models coupled with Chemistry Transport Models.
To constrain numerical sensitivity simulations a long-term comprehensive observational dataset of different climate-relevant species will be compiled using available information from a suite of observational networks/programmes/infrastructures such as GAW, ACTRIS, AERONET, EARLINET, among others.
Call: HORIZON-CL5-2021-D1-01-0
Start Date: 01/09/2022 – End Date: 31/08/2026
Funding: European Project
Identifying determinants for indoor air quality and their health impact in environments for children: Measures to improve indoor air quality and reduce disease burdens.
3. InChildHealth will integrate health, environmental, technical and social sciences research to identify determinants for Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and evaluate their impact in environments occupied by school children. We will focus on chemicals, particle concentrations, microorganisms and physical parameters in schools, homes, sports halls and transport. The IAQ of these environments determines the dose received by the children and may directly influence their health and well-being. An environmental epidemiological study and controlled interventions conducted in schools in three European cities will assess the health effects of multipollutant airborne exposures on respiratory infections, allergies, and neurological and cognitional symptoms. In addition, dose-response Will be evaluated with a novel cytotoxicity testing pipeline using in-vitro approaches. The InChildHealth consortium will cover an impressive variety of geographical and cultural diversity, with targeted exposure measurement campaigns and citizen involvement in seven European countries from Northern, Central and Southern Europe and interventions in Australia.
Horizon Europe, ref.: HORIZON-HLTH-2021-ENVHLTH-02-02
Start Date: 01/06/2022 – End Date: 31/05/2026
Funding: European Project
Fast track to cleaner, healthier urban Aerosols by market ready Solutions of retrofit Filtration Devices for tailpipe, brake systems and closed environments
Emissions of the existing gasoline engines and brakes of the commercial vehicle fleets in Europe relate to health problems and death of annually >1,45 Mio. people. For the next decades, these vehicles will continue populating the roads, emitting PM/PN exhaust particles and toxic secondary emissions. For immediate reduction, retrofit solutions for tailpipe and brake emissions must be brought to TRL 8 and introduced to the market by 2025. Timing is crucial: Retrofits are transition technologies until full electrification of Europe’s transport fleet. Even beyond, brake retrofits play an important role in the electrified fleet. Quick wins in the reduction of the overall footprint of the existing fleets can be realised by using our 3 retrofits for tailpipe, brake and closed environments: 95% of PM2.5 and 80% of toxic secondary emissions using an innovative Gasoline Particle Filter, 60% of NOx exhaust emissions replacing the aged TWC by original equipment, 90% of the brake particles of long-lived road transport assets using a passive BDPF, 90% of particles in closed environments (bus stops, tunnels, metro stations) using a special designed and enhanced stationary air purifier.
To create credible key messages for clients, citizens and policy, we perform lighthouse demo activities:
1) tailpipe retrofit: 1.000 vehicles in 2 climate zones (Germany + Israel) for 4 representative engine type families,
2) brake retrofit: Define emission fingerprints for the public transport of the cities of Valladolid, Ancona, Fermo and Sofia and > 35000 km lab testing on dynamometer and > 8000 km real driving,
3) air purifier retrofit for closed environments: 3 underground stations (Sofia, 2x Lisbon) with > 130000 commuters and Valladolid central bus depot with > 150 buses. For market preparation we will reach >4.000 citizens and policy makers from EU KOM level and >8 EU countries. We unite world leading industry, renowned scientific institutes and lighthouse demo sites in 8 European countries
Funding: Horizon Europe, Horizon-CL5-2021-D5-01-15
Start Date: 01/05/2022 – End Date: 30/04/2025
Funding: European Project
Innovative technologies and socio-ecological-economic solutions for fire resilient territories in Europe
Extreme wildfire events (EWE) are becoming a major environmental, economic and social threat in Southern Europe and increasingly gaining importance elsewhere in Europe. As the limits of fire suppression-centered strategies become evident, practitioners, researchers and policymakers increasingly recognise the need to develop novel approaches that shift emphasis to the root causes and impacts of EWE, moving towards preventive landscape and community management for greater resilience. FIRE-RES integrates existing research, technology, civil protection, policy and governance spheres related to wildfires to innovate processes, methods and tools to effectively promote the implementation of a more holistic fire management approach and support the transition towards more resilient landscapes and communities to EWE.
Grant agreement ID: 101037419
Funding: EU H2020
Start Date: 01/12/2021 – End Date: 30/11/2025
Funding: European Project
Research Infrastructures Services Reinforcing Air Quality Monitoring Capacities in European Urban & Industrial AreaS
The project aims to demonstrate how service tools from atmospheric research infrastructures can be adapted and enhanced to better address the challenges and societal needs concerning air quality in European cities and industrial hotspots. RI-URBANS responds to urgent needs to substantially reduce air pollution across the European Union by providing enhanced air quality observations in support of advanced air quality policy assessment.
We develop and enhance synergies between Air Quality Monitoring Networks (AQMNs) and research infrastructures in the atmospheric domain and combine advanced scientific knowledge and innovative technologies to develop pilot service tools. These will enhance the AQMNs capacity to evaluate, predict and support policies for abating urban air pollution. RI-URBANS deploys tools and information systems in the hands of citizens and communities to support decision-making by AQ managers and regulators. The focus is on ambient nanoparticles and atmospheric particulate matter, their sizes, constituents, source contributions, and gaseous precursors. RI-URBANS will evaluate novel air quality parameters, source contributions, and their associated health effects to demonstrate the European added value of implementing such service tools.
Funded by the European Commission’s call “European Research Infrastructures capacities and services to address European Green Deal challenges (LC-GD-9-1-2020)”