Miren López de Alda Villaizán


Miren López de Alda Villaizán is PhD in Pharmacy by the University of Santiago de Compostela and currently works as Scientific Researcher at the Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA) that is part of the Spanish Council for Scientific Research (CSIC). Previous to this, she worked for three years as a guest researcher at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Maryland, USA. Her main field of expertise is the environmental analysis of emerging contaminants by LC-MS/MS techniques, field where she has published the first multi-residue analytical methods and environmental data reported worldwide for numerous environmental contaminants like estrogens, illicit drugs, and cytostatics. Miren López de Alda has participated in 20 national and 25 international I+D projects financed in public calls, being principal investigator (PI) or co-PI in 9 of each of them, and in 41 contracts with companies and/or administrations (26 as IP or co-IP). She has published 217 SCI papers (Hirsch-index 76, > 16.000 citations, 64 citations per article on average) and 33 book chapters, and has presented more than 300 contributions in national and international conferences. She is included in the list of the most relevant Spanish female researchers, where she occupies the second position within the category of environmental sciences (with a Fh of 1.22). Since 2002 she has participated as expert in numerous European (Marie Curie, STREP, EURAMET, twinning, IMI, EPA) and Spanish Committees (ANEP, AENOR, AGAUR, etc.) and has been member of various scientific and organizing committees of international conferences. She is also member of various national and international societies (SECYTA, SEEM, SEE), nets (ESAR-NET, The Water Network, NORMAN Network), and scientific journal editorial boards (e.g., J. of Applied Sciences, Methods & Protocols, Water, International Advisory Board of Analytical & Bioanalytical Chemistry). She has supervised 10 doctoral Thesis plus various DEA, TFG and Masters. Her investigations on emerging contaminants (especially those related to the study of estrogenic compounds and drugs of abuse) have appeared in numerous occasions in the public media (press, radio, TV). Since 2014, she leads the consolidated research group ENFOCHEM (“Water, Environmental and Food Chemistry Group”, ref. 2021 SGR 00753). Mid-to-long term scientific-technical interests and objectives of her research agenda focus on the study of currently used pesticides, anti-cancer agents, drugs of abuse, and other anthropogenic contaminants, such as those included in the Watch List of the Water Framework Directive (WFD), and their transformation products, as environmental contaminants (including the study of their occurrence, significance for the environment and human health, and ways to eliminate them), and on sewage-based epidemiology, water reuse and management, and contamination of the atmosphere, oceans and polar regions as transversal areas of study and application.