Scientists from the Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA-CSIC) have analysed the concentration of mercury in 58 fish and shellfish species for human consumption found in local markets in Spain, Italy, and France. Of all of them, the specimens of 13 species always presented concentrations of mercury below those recommended as safe by the European Union (EU). Among them are the sardine, anchovy, blackspot seabream, gilthead seabream, and squid.
“Consuming these species minimizes our intake of mercury, which is the price to pay by eating fish. In addition, these fish have a good amount of unsaturated fatty acids, which are more beneficial from a nutritional point of view”, explains Joan O. Grimalt, IDAEA-CSIC researcher and lead author of the study.
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Marco Capodiferro, Esther Marco, Joan O. Grimalt. Wild fish and seafood species in the western Mediterranean Sea with low safe mercury concentrations. Environmental Pollution. DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2022.120274
Scientists from the Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA-CSIC) have analysed the concentration of mercury in 58 fish and shellfish species for human consumption found in local markets in Spain, Italy, and France. Of all of them, the specimens of 13 species always presented concentrations of mercury below those recommended as safe by the European Union (EU). Among them are the sardine, anchovy, blackspot seabream, gilthead seabream, and squid.
“Consuming these species minimizes our intake of mercury, which is the price to pay by eating fish. In addition, these fish have a good amount of unsaturated fatty acids, which are more beneficial from a nutritional point of view”, explains Joan O. Grimalt, IDAEA-CSIC researcher and lead author of the study.
Nota de prensa (ESP)
Nota de prensa (CAT)